The Path to Happiness is Stillness in the Mind — The Awareness Practice

Nolan Koen
4 min readApr 7, 2022


Every person, doesn’t matter who we are, are in search of peace and happiness. We seek happiness in objects, experiences, and interactions with people.

Every action we take, every decision we make, is because we think we will be happier from that decision.

We’re suppose to be happy at all times. Our gauge of how our life is going, should be based on our level of happiness. We should be genuinely happy all the time. We should live with a continuous background of happiness.

I’ve found a Path to Happiness, and it’s written in Rhonda Byrne’s book ‘The Greatest Secret’.

In her book Rhonda explains that the Path to Happiness is through Awareness. She explains what Awareness is, the power of Awareness, and an easy 3 step Awareness practice.

I read ‘The Greatest Secret’ the day it came out in 24 November 2020, and multiple times thereafter, but only since 1 April 2022, after I’ve religiously started practicing the 3 step Awareness practice, have I fully understood Awareness.

Since then I’m starting to live most moments of each day with peaceful happiness.

Below I explain how I use the Awareness practice and how it helped me to live with continuous Love, Happiness and Peace

The Awareness practice:

  • Step 1. Ask yourself, “Am I Aware?”
  • Step 2. Notice Awareness.
  • Step 3. Stay as Awareness.

Step 1. Ask yourself, “Am I Aware?”

Each time I ask the question “Am I Aware?”, my mind is taken away from thinking, and put on Awareness. After asking the question “Am I Aware?”, Awareness is present instantly.

I’m practicing Being Aware on a daily basis. Each moment when I’m aware my thoughts are running away with me, I ask the question “Am I Aware?”.

After asking the question I become more aware of my thoughts and body sensations. My mind becomes quiet. All thoughts goes away. My mind becomes still.

When I’m aware that my thoughts are coming up again, I ask again “Am I Aware?”. And again my mind becomes Quiet and Still. This I do each moment of the day.

I’m starting to feel subtle feelings of peaceful happiness. The reason is because my mind is falling into the background, with Awareness being present in the foreground.

Step 2. Notice Awareness.

In a relatively short time after I’ve practiced Step 1 by asking “Am I Aware?”, I’m starting to Notice Awareness automatically. Although I still ask “Am I Aware?”, I don’t need to, because I’m noticing Awareness more often during the day.

I made this Awareness Mind Map, and only by thinking of the Mind Map, Awareness is present. I’m noticing that my mind falls to the background, while Awareness stay present in the foreground.

I shift my attention to Awareness by noticing Awareness multiples times a day. I think I’m at a point where I it hundreds on times a day.

Every time when I notice Awareness, I feel peace and happiness, which is the deep peace and happiness of Awareness.

Step 3. Stay as Awareness

For me, Staying as Awareness is where I decide to put my attention. I can either put my attention on the thoughts in my mind, or I can focus my attention on Awareness.

I don’t focus on detail so much anymore. When I zoom out, I notice that Awareness appears more instantly.

When my mind is constantly focused on objects, feelings and sensations, then I have to be aware and zoom out and not focus on those details. When I open my attention as wide as possible, my mind dissolves into the background, and Awareness comes into the foreground.

I’m now reaching a point where I can be without thoughts for longer periods. The more I ask “Am I Aware?”, the more I Stay in Awareness.

It’s in that Quiet and Still space, those moments without thought, that I’m finding true Love, Happiness and Peace. Bliss is not far, it’s with us ALL the time. We just have to get rid of thoughts and allow Joy and Happiness to reveal itself.

With my mind becoming more Still, I can wait for thoughts to enter my mind, and be Aware what kind of thoughts it is. If it’s negative thoughts or thoughts that doesn’t serve me well, then I just notice the thoughts by being Aware of them.

I don’t suppress the thoughts, I don’t ignore the thoughts, I just let it be, just by being Aware of them, allowing thoughts to be present, without giving the thoughts any energy or entertaining them. Then magically the thoughts dissolve. All this happens in a matter of seconds.

This I do most of the day, and the more I’m starting to do it, the more Still my mind becomes, and the more I reach the state of Peaceful Happiness and Pure Bliss.

I only use the mind for what I want and what I need to do. That includes being Grateful for Everything, and using Gratitude in Advance to have a Magical Day.

The rest of the time I’m in the Realm of Divinity, living with Love, Happiness and Peace🙏❤️😇



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