How I use Gratitude in Advance to have a Magical Day

Nolan Koen
3 min readSep 1, 2021


Gratitude in Advance is still my favourite gratitude practice. I’ve written about it before, but it’s so powerful I want to share its power again.

Every evening I go through my work’s to do list and say Gratitude for each task going well. I say Thank You for the magnificent outcome of all meetings, phone calls, projects, all conversations at work. Whatever thing seems difficult or challenging I just say Thank You for it going magnificently.

As I say Thank You for each task I have Faith that each task will have a magnificent outcome, and I release it and let go. I don’t think about it any longer because I know with every cell of my body that my day will be magnificent.

The last moments before sleep I say Thank You for my Health and I do an internal body scan saying Thank You to the Heath of all my organs and body parts.

Most of the time I fall asleep while doing the Gratitude practices and then, oh wow, I have thee most peaceful sleep. No worries, no stress, no negativity.

The following morning when I wake up the first words that crosses my mind is Thank You. Why? Because I’m alive and I made it through the night.

I then say Thank You for the magnificent outcome of me getting ready for work, making breakfast and coffee, etc.

Thank You for electricity, clean water, kettle, microwave, etc.

When my day starts and I have to do the tasks I said Thank You for the previous night, it’s as if I’m watching a movie. Why? Because I’ve already said Thank You the night before, and have scripted my day how I want it to go.

Every task goes magnificently exactly like I ask the night before. Everything runs smoothly. Everyone speaks to me kindly. Ideas flow freely, my mind are open and clear. And I finish my tasks much quicker than before.

As I cross the tasks off my to do list I say Thank You again for it going so well. And I truly feel the Gratitude in my Heart when I say Thank You.

I honestly can’t remember when I last had a negative emotion. I don’t know these following emotions anymore: anger, frustration, upset, sadness, fear, stress, depression, envy, doubt, etc.

I only focus on the Fruit of the Spirit written in Gal 5 v 22.

Each day is just magical and a blessing. I truly wish others will experience what I experience on a continuous basis. Not once a month or once a week, but on a continuous basis every moment of your life.

May you be blessed on your journey, and may you receive all your dreams and wishes that you heart desires. Have a magnificent, blessed and magical day 🙏❤️😇



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