Everything around us is 99.99% Energy

Nolan Koen
2 min readNov 30, 2021


The most fascinating thing I’ve learned in my life is this: Everything around us is 99.99% Energy

Let me explain my thought process.

Everything around us is matter (gas, liquid, solid, plasma). Those are all the things we see, touch, hear, smell and taste. And even the microscopic things we cannot see.

The smallest building block of matter is the atom. Even our body is made up of atoms, because the body is made up of organ systems, which contain cells, and cells are made up of atoms.

Now here is the fascinating part.

99.99% of an atom is Energy. Observed closely this energy looks like empty space. But when the electrons of the atoms spins around then there is an illusion that the atom is solid, but scientists have seen this energy through a microscope which are basically empty space.

So what does it mean?

It means everything around us are 99.99% energy. Putting it another way 99.99% of the Universe are energy.

That fact alone might be mind blowing. But now it gets more interesting.

The Universe and our planet Earth are governed by natural laws. The most common law is the law of gravity. We all know if we drop a ball then it will fall to the ground. No one will argue about that.

There are many other laws but the most interesting for me is the law of attraction and especially the law of vibration.

Everything on earth is vibrating on frequencies and these frequencies can be altered based on the energy vibration you are on.

We can attract anything we want, however it is important to stay on the highest vibrational frequencies such as Love, Joy and Gratitude.

That’s why I strive to stay on a frequency of Love, Joy and Gratitude, so that I can attract back to me, based on the law of attraction (and law of vibration), all those things that are on the same frequency as Love, Joy and Gratitude.

I’ve personally practiced gratitude since June 2020 and below is a couple of articles about gratitude:

Thinking back I realize it’s because of the energy vibrations that I have attracted to me all things I need.

Extremely fascinating when these things can be understood at an atomic level.



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