Positive and Happy Thoughts Create a Positive and Happy Life

Nolan Koen
1 min readMar 28, 2022


One of the greatest achievements in my life has been to gain control of my thoughts.

At every moment of the day I’m aware of my thoughts. I ALWAYS strive to keep my thoughts positive and in a Joyful state, doesn’t matter what is happening around me.

It’s not always easy, but the beauty is that I can backtrack the events of the day and fix and rewire the frequencies that was not on the frequency of Love and Joy.

The Law of Attraction is clear and says we reap what we sow.

And it’s for that reason I ALWAYS focus to sow Good, Positive and Happy thoughts.

When my thoughts are positive and pure, then according to the law of attraction, I have to attract circumstances, people and events that will give me Positivity, Joy and Love.

Life is Amazing and Blissful when realised that we create our own life.

What we Think and Feel inside, will reflect as experiences in our daily life.

Therefore I focus only on Positive and Joyful Thoughts.



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